We're KnK, Kokkyo naki Kodomotachi(Children without Borders)
2024.12.24 KnK
We're KnK, Kokkyo naki Kodomotachi(Children without Borders)
©Natsuki YASUDA
Education and Friendship for All Children beyond Borders
Kokkyo naki Kodomotachi (KnK, Children without Borders) is an international cooperation NGO established in Japan in 1997. As of the end of 2023, we have provided educational opportunities to more than 230,000 children in 15 countries (regions) and supported their independence. As of 2024, we continue to provide educational support in six countries and regions.
In 2017, the 20th anniversary of our founding, KnK reviewed our vision and mission and created a medium- to long-term strategic plan.
While inheriting our philosophy of "Growing Together," we will continue to work hard to deliver education and friendship to the children around the world.
©Atsushi SHIBUYA
Slogan: Education and Friendship for All Children beyond Borders
We, KnK, contribute to the establishment of the following society:
• A society where each child can receive education and envision his or her dreams
• A society where each child is respected and can achieve healthy growth in a secure environment
• A society where children accept differences in each other, nourish friendships, and grow together
We, KnK, follow the below missions to realize our visions.
• We provide opportunities for education, vocational training, and self-expression to increase future options for children and promote their healthy social participation.
• We support children at risk due to poverty, political conflicts, and natural disasters and help them live appropriate to their stages of life.
• We encourage children in Japan to understand the current situations of children all over the world and learn diverse values to foster generations that know how to support each other.
Thank you for the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2024 Charity
© Tokyo Legacy half Marathon 2024 Charity
On October 20th, the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2024 Charity was held in perfect weather, making it a very fulfilling time for the staff as well.
The charity booth after the finish line, where KnK's Charity Ambassador Mr. Hiroshi Neko was present, also had a very warm atmosphere.
Thank you to everyone who ran for charity.