
2025.02.21 東京おもちゃ美術館

20か国103人から成る東京おもちゃ美術館チャリティランナーの中には、 マラソンを通して私たちの活動に関心を向け、共感し、そしてさらに周りの方々へ影響力を発揮しながらより良い社会を目指す方々がいます。その大きなきっかけとなっているのが東京マラソン。そこには単なるスポーツを超えて、とても大きな社会的意義を見出すことができますね。



The other is Robert, also from the USA. When he visited Japan last time, he dropped by the Tokyo Toy Museum and we were impressed by his very friendly conversation. This year, he is planning to come to Japan with his coach. His expression shows that he really enjoys running marathons.

“I am a previous 2023 team member and enjoyed my experience. I am an Abbott 6 Star athlete. I have visited the museum personally and looking to run in 2025 with my coach. I believe in you mission and look forward to bringing a separate group of 30 American persons to your museum in 2025 to further support your museum. You have a very unique museum that I am happy to add more visibility. by Robert Michael Winter”


The countdown is finally down to the tournament itself! We hope all the athletes give their best and share in the excitement.




The power of play is expanding the circle of smiles!

The Tokyo Toy Museum (operated by NPO Association for the Arts, Toy and Playing Activities) has a collection of 100,000 items from 100 countries, mainly warm wooden toys, ranging from Japanese folk toys to board games from around the world. Through play experiences, it offers inclusive encounters, enjoyment and spiritual enrichment that transcends age, generation, nationality and disability.

The museum was established in 2008 using a closed primary school in Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, and is supported by donations of money (e.g. through the ‘One-Manager’ system) and time (e.g. by toy curators (volunteers)).

東京おもちゃ美術館/認定NPO法人芸術と遊び創造協会は、東京マラソン財団チャリティ RUN with HEARTの寄付先団体です。

The Tokyo Toy Museum / NPO Association for the Arts, Toy and Playing Activities is a recipient of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation's charity RUN with HEART.