
2025.02.17 東京おもちゃ美術館

認定NPO法人芸術と遊び創造協会 東京おもちゃ美術館です。









東京おもちゃ美術館/認定NPO法人芸術と遊び創造協会は、東京マラソン財団チャリティ RUN with HEARTの寄付先団体です。

‘I want to run to finish the race thinking of the smiling faces of the children and families who gather at the Tokyo Toy Museum!’

Some of the Tokyo Toy Museum charity runners in the Tokyo Marathon 2025 have taken up the challenge again and again. Nobuyuki Izuta from Hiroshima Prefecture is one such runner. Here are some of the messages we received in preparation for the event.

“This is the third time I have applied to be a charity runner. Running the Tokyo Marathon is an irreplaceable joy and has become my life's work. I would like to run the Tokyo Marathon with the smiling faces of the children and families who gather at the Tokyo Toy Museum as I aim to finish.”

He said he was looking forward to coming to Tokyo from Hiroshima with his wife during the race. The Tokyo Marathon will surely deepen their family bond even further. It is a wonderful episode.

All of us at the Tokyo Toy Museum are rooting for you from the bottom of our hearts. We hope you enjoy running the marathon.

The power of play is expanding the circle of smiles!

The Tokyo Toy Museum (run by NPO Association for the Arts, Toy and Playing Activities) has a collection of 100,000 items from 100 countries, mainly warm wooden toys, ranging from Japanese folk toys to board games from around the world. Through play experiences, it offers inclusive encounters, enjoyment and spiritual enrichment that transcends age, generation, nationality and disability.

The museum was established in 2008 using a closed primary school in Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, and is supported by donations of money (e.g. through the ‘One-Manager’ system) and time (e.g. by toy curators (volunteers)).

The Tokyo Toy Museum / NPO Association for the Arts, Toy and Playing Activities is a recipient of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation's charity RUN with HEART.